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  • Writer's pictureRandall Solomon

The Island Practice Management Difference

Over the years, as mental health has rightfully come more in the scope of the general public (thanks in part to real-world events such as Covid-19, veterans discussion when back from war, and celebrities/athletes) we have seen investment increase exponentially.

This comes with its pros and cons as anything does. Though investment was sourly lacking in the field until a few years ago, we are seeing investors identify this healthcare sector as a gold mind. The investment is needed, more studies into prescription medications, different treatment options such as TMS and Ketamine usage, and flexible tools such as telehealth visits can all reap the rewards when they are the focus. Unfortunately, that is not often the case with investors. We are seeing a steady rise in clinicians opting to join these venture capitalist-funded programs where the focus is on return on investment (ROT), not quality patient care.

More often than not, these companies have clinicians perform a half-hour to forty-five minute evaluation over a screen instead of the minimum 90-minute evaluation in-person which is critical for establishing both a relationship with the patient and a proper treatment plan. These initial evaluations are often followed by 10-15 minute medication management sessions that gloss over It is indicative of the current world we live in where it is quantity over quality, and at the end of the day the people who suffer most are the patients. This could ultimately lead to a larger mental health crisis as clinicians can prescribe medications easily over the app and not consider more things.

Investment is needed in the field. But it cannot be at the cost of patient care. We are already seeing a frequent abuse of medication and shortened appointments where the goal is to get as many patients in and out as possible will undoubtedly create a much larger problem. As mentioned prior in the article, telehealth has its place, and it is the singular proponent that kept many patients afloat during the pandemic. But as restrictions loosen and we start to transition back to the world pre covid we must be mindful that telehealth visits should be but a versatile tool, not the new norm that many companies are identifying and investing in. Our partners/affiliates believe that it is extremely hard to heal in the same space where you are hurting and strive to have as many patients in person (with proper safety guidelines) as possible.

That is but one way we differentiate ourselves from these companies. From the moment there is first contact made you know that you are in the hands of professionals who believe that your practice and therefore us, will succeed based on the quality of authentic care you provide your patients. We have strived to create a culture of compassion, mindfulness, and hard work. We never want our clients to feel as though they are alone on an island. The support generated from Island Practice Management makes it so that you are backed by other top-ranking clinicians who have transverse these waters before. There is no "one-size-fits-all" model. Each service area is further customized with a face-to-face meeting, keeping you in full control of your practice while relieving the obstacles you face.

Obstacles one may face when on their own are navigating the harrowing waters that are in-network insurance companies. Our top-of-the-line billing and accounting team is well versed in helping to untangle the web that insurance companies often sow. Helping you on that front opens up more required time for those patients who desperately need that mindful time. Giving you that flexibility is the focus of our administrative staff as they are the epitome of 'doing it all. With 80% of our staff organically grown, with some first starting as member's of our patient engagement team.

Our tight nit group of professionals is set on achieving both HIGH-QUALITY patient care and rewarding professionals for their admirable work in mental health. We hope to change the landscape of what current venture capitalists are trying to do and reach people who understand the growing problem in mental health.

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